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The Conscious Entrepreneur

Through my Conscious Entrepreneur Package, I tie in all of my practices together to help you transform your life and your business through your intuitive gifts to create the life and business your soul desires.  

Who this is for

This all inclusive package gives you access to all of my design & marketing services in addition to 1 on 1 consulting to push your business forward in the right direction. This service is for any solo conscious entrepreneur who wants to connect further inward with your soul and the soul of your business to create your true dharma and life's work through your business. This can be for someone who is just getting their business off the ground and needs guidance on their brand, organization, and direction of their business. Or this can be for that entrepreneur that has been deep in their business, but needs help moving away any stagnation or getting to that next level.


Continue on for the details on how it all works...



What you will takeaway

Within the weekly calls and check ins, we will put together a project calendar to make sure we are accomplishing what needs to be done within the proper time. 


This also allows to stay accountable and on target to keep pushing forward with making your goals happens. 


With the meditations and journal prompts, we will create healthy mindset training to connect you further with your intuition to keep you on track of achieving what is divinely yours.



Breakdown of coaching calls

You will receive one on one coaching once a week which will include:


-First breaking down the soul of your business, what that looks like, what are your goals, what are your set backs.

-Meditation at the beginning of each call to check in.

-Checking in with the good, bad, and the ugly of the week.

-What needs to get accomplished/the game plan of the week, this includes your weekly commitments/goals, as well as mine.

-What Design/Marketing projects need to be accomplished.

-Weekly reflections/journal prompts to send you with.

-Tarot card pull for the weekly energy and guidance



Included Design Services

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